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90%Salem: 1976 - Wounded Birds of a Feather2014-05-25 / Hammerfingers / Reads: 2325To anyone who is unaware of Salem: 1976, and, judging by the obscure style of his music, that's probably a bunch of people, the mere name promises some seriously dark and deep musical shenanigans. It does not disappoint. If there is a music that can be pleasantly unsettling, desperately submissive... |
90%Faderhead - Atoms & Emptiness2014-05-19 / DamienG / Reads: 4032Faderhead kept himself busy throughout the years and via a steady stream of long playing releases, the numerous EPs, that introduced a more deliberate pace to his electronic concoction of beats and melody and a long and ever-growing play-list of videos, he continued to unleash his sizzling creative energy. Indeed,... |
85%Zeistencroix - Strange2014-05-16 / carpenterk / Reads: 4275The debut album always raises the question with what and who we are dealing. Regardless, with the quality of the first accomplishments, let's add not always successful, some of the debutants are, however, history in music. Less fortunate were the one hit stars, repeated often over the years. After how... |
85%∆AIMON - ∆AIMON2014-05-10 / redheadelven / Reads: 8768To all those, who are looking for music to close their eyes to and set off with good, intriguing sounds I can certainly recommend the new album from ΔAIMON with the same title. The apparent calmness saturated with uncertainty and nice electronic vibrations can put the listener into a state... |
95%Gary Numan - Splinter2014-05-08 / m2i4k2e / Reads: 4289I do not know what is taking Gary Numan, but it is probably better stuff than from Witkiewicz, because Numan creates better and better musical works. Stepfather of Trent Reznor, Robert Smith and Ronnie Moorings once again showed that he can create something as fresh as transplants and black paint... |
85%Still Patient? - Selective Perception2014-05-05 / carpenterk / Reads: 2817Returns after many years are not necessarily are successful. But In my opinion, it is excellent return. After 15 years from the abyss of oblivion, came out with new material the band Still Patient? The singer's voice hasn't deteriorated. More, in my opinion, the voice of Andy Koa is even... |